New report links digital and social exclusion
Link: New report links digital and social exclusion
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New research has identified a correlation between digital and social exclusion, highlighting the continuing need to bridge the digital divide.
The report, ‘Understanding Digital Inclusion‘, was issued by UK Online Centres, an organisation which provides free or low cost access to technology and support in its use.
The study which was conducted in association with researchers FreshMinds, found that over the past three years there has been very little progress in bringing technology to the 39% of the population who do not have convenient access to the Internet.
This effectively excludes them from benefiting from the opportunities, choices, savings, and services that are available online.
‘Understanding Digital Inclusion’ says that it is the responsibility of the public, private, and voluntary sectors to bridge the digital divide, and they should do this by working together.
The report claims that government policy, market forces, and demographic trends are ineffective in bringing more people online.
The research will be taken into account in the government’s forthcoming digital strategy review.
It drew on information from over 80 sources, including research into digital skills, ICT usage, and internet penetration from the Office of National Statistics, Ofcom, the Oxford Internet Institute, and government departments.