Technology adoption increases business growth - Cisco
Link: Technology adoption increases business growth - Cisco
Filed under: Employment News, Business News

According to a study by Cisco, companies that actively try to promote use of new technologies alongside more flexible working conditions, are more likely to successful than those that don’t.
Cisco polled more than 600 business and IT directors across the UK, representing companies with staff of 20-1,000 employees.
They found that those companies that actively utilised technology as a strategic asset, such as Wi-Fi, as well as allowing remote or home networking, were much more likely to have increased turnover by more than 15% over the past year.
However, the study also underlined that the use of technology for improving business efficiency and working conditions had to be directed by senior management, and that the company had to have a clear idea of where and how to invest in technology before implementing it.
Additionally, while a significant number of managers responding to the poll highlighted talent acquisition retention in employees as a major priority, actual working environment conditions were regarded as low priority.
This was especially in the case of home networking, with far fewer companies willing to allow employees to work from home than was necessarily required.