Vista kills iTunes
Link: Vista kills iTunes

Windows users running iTunes software could face a number of compatibility issues if they upgrade to Microsoft’s new Vista operating system.
PC’s running Vista may experience problems playing music or video purchased and downloaded to the desktop iTunes player from the iTunes Store. Problems have also been experienced with synchronising address book contact and calendar functions, and slowed runtime.
There is also the possibility that plugging an iPod into a computer running Vista may corrupt the iPod player. An iPod may be corrupted if users try to eject the digital music player from a desktop port using the “Safely Remove Hardware” feature found on the Vista sytem tray.
According to Apple, until the patch is released, the safe way to unlock an iPod from a PC running Vista is to use the “Eject iPod” control in the iTunes software.
Apple is advising it customers to delay installing Vista until it releases a new version of its iTunes software which is specifically designed to address the Vista compatibility issues. The software is due to be released shortly.
For customers already experiencing problems a special support page is available.
The problems may not affect all users and iTunes 7.0.2 may work with Windows Vista on many typical PCs, but with the Vista compatible software due anytime, it’s not really worth taking the risk.