Linux competes to keep with graphics developments
Link: Linux competes to keep with graphics developments

Novell is trying to keep pace with new graphics developments on Windows and Apple, with the release of its Xgl graphics software.
Novell operates Suse, one of many “flavours” of the open source Linux operating system.
Linux is traditionally seen as less graphics-friendly, and it used to be the case that users would have to perform basic coding tasks to operate software - something that has previously kept Linux as the choice for “geeks” rather than general consumers.
However, more recent packaging of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI’s) - in imitation of Windows - to Linux flavours have helped bring it wider appeal, and the Novell Xgl software that extends the abilities of graphics processing is bound to help with that.
It may not be enough for major consumer markets, though - Apple’s already rich GUI has already seen innovations in its OS X operating system. Windows Vista, Microsoft’s follow-up to Windows XP, is also using a superior graphics engine, known as Windows Presentation Foundation (aka, Avalon).
While it would be easy to see Linux as still lagging behind on graphics development, it shows that Linux can still keep in the race, which is especially important for an operating system seeing a larger and larger market share - especially in developing countries.