Help for small business continues as Platinax celebrates 2 years online
by Brian Turner
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Platinax is a free business resource and mentoring service that celebrates 2 years helping SME’s this month.
Based in the Highlands of Scotland, Platinax is run by a volunteer staff of company directors from across the UK.
The key aim of Platinax is to help other SME’s work better with the internet and increase profitability.
This is namely due to the fact that the majority of businesses in the UK are still failing to overcome basic challenges in technical, presentation, and marketing areas. Challenges that can be easily solved with a simple awareness of the issues involved.
Platinax offers help through these key main areas:
The Platinax Business Forum is a place where business owners seek free solutions, learn tips and tricks, and network with other business owners.
Key discussion areas include:
Business planning, Accounts, Legal compliance, Marketing, Advertising, Search engine optimisation, Internet technology, Website management, Webdesign & development, Server hosting.
The Platinax Directory is rated as one of the internet’s best quality directories.
It’s also one of the most active areas of the website, and can help provide national and local listings to drive targeted sales.
Simply click through the directory links to a suitable category for a listing in local, national, and international business categories.
3. Small Business News
Platinax News provides latest business & technology information for SME’s in the UK, and is syndicated by Google News:
Platinax offers an exclusive reading list of articles, tutorials, and interviews for those willing to take on the technical challaneges of the internet. Key subject areas include internet marketing, website management, and business practices online.
5. Advertising
Platinax receives an average of between 350,000 - 400,000 page views per month.
You can reach this audience directly with an advertising space on the left of every page, containing both a banner and direct link to your website.
Through October Platinax is offering a special promotional price of just £79.95/month - but only 4 advertising spaces are available.
- According to Dave Ashton at lead generation service Bizal Ltd:
“From the new business enquiries received to date over 70% have been genuine opportunities that have been able to quote for either a lead generation solution or sales development services i.e. sales training and hence are delighted with types of companies that see our banner advert.
We are also delighted with the level of customer service and hence look forward to continuing a mutually beneficial relationship.”
Platinax intends to continue to provide free help and support for SME’s in the UK, and looks forward to celebrating the next 2 years on the internet.
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