EC to enable wireless devices to work Europe-wide
by Brian Turner
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The European Commission is harmonising radio frequency bands across the European Union in order to promote the use of wireless devices such as wireless computer keyboards, headphones and garage door openers.
It is hoped that the initiative will enable anyone in Europe to use the same short-range wireless product anywhere in the EU. This would mean that manufacturers would only need to make one product for the whole internal market.
Short range wireless devices will be able to be operated without a licence in all Member States. It will free consumers from the need to check whether equipment can be used in a particular location.
This is expected to stimulate demand for wireless products, reduce production costs and encourage the development of new innovative devices and applications. The value of the market for wireless devices is estimated to be €25 billion by 2009.
A further strategy aims to harmonise frequencies for RFID (radio frequency identification) devices. These electronic tags are increasingly used in businesses such as retail and logistics for tracking goods and persons.
They are also used in security and alarm systems. Harmonisation of the RFID radio spectrum is expected to support the development of RFID technology in Europe.
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