Joost Releases Beta For Intel Macs
Link: Joost Releases Beta For Intel Macs

TV distribution platform Joost (formerly the Venice Project), has released version 0.8 of its beta player for Windows and also the first Mac beta, which is only for Intel processor powered Macs. The application was previously only available on the Windows platform.
The Mac version is said to be visually very much like Joost for Windows, while behaving very much like a Mac application.
Joost, which was co-founded by Skype and Kazaa founders, Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis, is an interactive, IP-based TV software system which distributes TV shows and other forms of video over the web using peer-to-peer technology.
Joost claims to provide a new way of watching TV on the internet which is as close to watching traditional TV as possible. Users can search for programming and channels, which are very like playlists of videos that allow users to change channels.
Version 0.8 of Joost includes a new CoreAVC video decoder and some additional content, including documentaries from National Geographic.