First single-chip AVS IPTV set top box announced
by Brian Turner
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Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) and National Source Coding Audio & Video Technologies (Beijing) Co Ltd (NSCC) have announced the industry’s first
single-chip IPTV set-top box which allows dual decoding of AVS and H.264, HM2006.
The set-top box is based on Texas Instruments’ innovative DaVinci technology
The device is targeted on home audio and video entertainment applications which use China’s digital television (DTV) standard - AVS. It is expected to drive the deployment of IPTV services in China and the development of the IPTV market.
Research by In-Stat showed that China could have 6.3 million IPTV subscribers by 2010, with annual revenue rapidly growing to US$888m.
The single-chip IPTV set-top box solutions concurrently enables AVS and H.264 dual decoding, HM2006 is integrated with NSCC’s AVS decoding algorithm and uses TI’s DM644x digital signal processors (DSPs) based on DaVinci technology.
The solution enables AVS, H.264, MPEG2, MPEG4 and WMV video decoding. Digital signal processing allows designers using TI’s DaVinci technology to add video functions to an application.
The programmable engine makes it as simple as writing to an application programming interface. This saves OEMs development time and lowers overall system costs.
The solution also provides the ability to deploy the system quickly at lower development costs.
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