Intel and Microsoft to support HD-DVD
Link: Intel and Microsoft to support HD-DVD

Intel and Microsoft have promised to support Toshiba-led next generation DVD technology, HD DVD, in preference to Blu-ray DVD technology, which is backed by rival Sony.
HD DVD is being promoted by Toshiba, together with NEC, Sanyo and others, while backers of Sony’s Blu-ray discs include Dell and Apple.
The next generation of DVDs will be able to store higher-quality data, including high-definition video. Discs will be able to hold approximately six times as much data as current DVDs.
Toshiba and Sony have been competing to secure support for their preferred disc formats from technology companies, studios and the games industry, to who the new technology will be of great importance. It will be more problematic if there are two competing standards of high-definition DVD technology for them to work with.
Sony’s PlayStation 3 games console will support Blu-ray, but Microsoft has not revealed whether the Xbox 360 will support HD DVD playback. It is anticipated that films in the high-definition format will be released for DVD later this year.
Intel, Microsoft and other companies have not previously committed themselves to a format in the hope that the two groups would find a common format, but there has been no agreement so far.
Blu-ray technology is promoted as being a more sophisticated technology with a greater storage capacity, while HD DVD technology will be less expensive and will be ready sooner.
Toshiba’s laptop with a next-generation HD DVD drive should be available by the start of next year in Japan.