Google to reorganise PPC accounts
Link: Google to reorganise PPC accounts

Rumours are circulating that Google are about to announce a major shake up of their Google AdWrods management structure.
Not only will this lead to a dedicated accounts manager for each account, but this manager will also push for inclusion on new audio and visual contextual advertising projects.
Google Adwords is already an extraordinarily popular PPC program, that is already estimated to take around 25% of all online advertising spend.
Additionally, Google have been developing advertising channels in Flash, Audio, and Visual media.
The recent acquisition of both YouTube and dMarc means that along with print media, Google are now positioned to fully exploit an incredibly diverse set of advertising channels.
Overall, it has to be said that it’s amazing that major competitors - not least Microsoft and Yahoo! - have allowed Google to get so far ahead in terms of PPC management.
However, Google are certainly not allowing themselves to stagnate in a similar manner and the movement into new media advertising formats for existing Adwords customers can only be an exciting development.
It remains to be seen, though, how successful any potential can be tapped into - but in the meantime, Google are not simply playing ahead of this game - they’re writing the rules.