Pensions protests halt Britain
Link: Pensions protests halt Britain

Over 1 million Council Workers have gone on strike in the UK, bringing large parts of local government to a halt.
The strike is over protests to back-date new pension rules, which will prevent any council worker from retiring on a full-pension at age 60.
It comes at a time when pension funds are in crisis - the government claims it cannot make up for shortfalls in public funds.
However, critics point out that the government has no problems finding £5 billion to fund the War in Iraq, or disposing of the extra £10 billion in tax revenues Gordon Brown collected in January.
The Labour Government has also managed to increase non-direct taxes since first coming to power, and has been able to borrow extensively to fund public projects, rather than address current economic holes.
A recent Public Relations exercise last week saw the government attempted to bombard ordinary people with “facts” and “figures”, in order to justify government unwillingness to deal with the issue properly.
It remains a national disgrace that the UK seeks to work people harder, for longer, for less reward - only to treat them after as second class citizens.