Apple faces growing security threats
Link: Apple faces growing security threats

The Apple computer - long considered a bastion of operatin security - is coming under increasing fire for potential security risks built into the latest release of the company’s bespoke Mac OS X operating system.
The latest attack is by the SANS Institute, which in it’s list of worst 20 security threats, listed the collective vulnerabilities in Apple Computer’s Mac OS X operating system.
This follows an earlier warning a few months earlier by security firm Symantec that the Mac OS X is ripe for attack, and the Open Source Vulnerability Database reports that this year Apple have released almost as many security patches for it’s OS X as Microsoft have for Windows.
Although Apple computers are traditional free of the security breaches that plague Windows and Linux, this has been put down to its smaller market share rather than actual security protections - but experts warn that it’s only a matter of time before dedicated hackers turn to exploiting the Mac.
[…] The Apple OS X system came under fire last year for security flaws, and it is likely that further exploits will be targeted by viruses, trojans, and worms, further shaking Apple user’s belief that their computers are safe from general malware attacks. […]
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