Workers face burn-out
Link: Workers face burn-out

According to research by human resources consultancy Hudson, over 50% of British workers have experienced symptoms of overwork and burn-out in the last six months. One third said they had suffered exhaustion and over a quarter had been unable to sleep or had felt ill due to worrying about work.
Nearly half of employees thought that the situation had worsened in the last five years, attributing this to the increased pace of business life, increasing competition, and more demands being made on fewer staff.
Approximately 92% of employers acknowledged the existence of burn-out, but only 35% thought it was a problem in their firm and nearly 60% had no system in place to deal with it.
Of the HR mangers surveyed, 14% had lost staff due to burn-out, 36% had noted a decline in productivity and 79% an increase in sick days taken.
Hudson chief executive, John Rose, said “an increase in absenteeism, premature career change and a decline in interest and productivity among employees can have a serious long-term effect on businesses success.”
The Survey Shop polled 1,006 employers, HR managers and staff for Hudson.