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November 02, 2004
Presentation is everything
I used to shop at Morrisons, but started to shop at Tesco's because it was closer, and I didn't mind paying a little extra for the extra choices that they have - especially in the vegatarian ranges.
I drove out with the kids on the car, planning to go to Tesco's, but they fell asleep. Wishing to give them more of a proper rest, I drove on to Morrisons.
Point is, when you first walk into Morrisons, the first items for sale are flowers and plants, and then it's fruit and vegetables. And I realised just how bright and juicy the fruit & veg in Morrisons looked, and how drab the fruit and veg in Tesco's looked.
The key was the lighting - in Morrisons were rows of tiny point lights in a low ceiling, pointing down at the displays. And when you wash fruit in light, they bathe in their own colours.
Tomatoes look so much redder and more juicy when strong light is shining on them, apples look cleaner, and melons look so much more appetising.
Tesco's has none of that lighting. That's why I spent double my usualy expenditure on fresh fruit and veg at Morrisons compared to my usual purchases at Tesco's.
Posted by at November 2, 2004 05:55 PM
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