Adobe plans online version of Photoshop
Link: Adobe plans online version of Photoshop

Adobe is planning to release a hosted version of its Photoshop image-editing application within six months.
The new online service is part of the company’s plan to extend its position in the consumer market and diversify its business. The online service offering will complement Adobe’s existing products.
Adobe already offers Adobe Remix, a free Web-based video-editing tool, through the PhotoBucket media-sharing site.
The hosted Photoshop service will also be free, with revenue coming from online ads. It will be an entry-level version of Adobe’s more sophisticated digital image editors, including Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Although it is a low-end product, it will be of a higher quality than free alternatives.
Adobe is following Microsoft in diversifying its business to include a combination of software and services.
Adobe will offer both entirely hosted applications and ‘hybrids’ where Web based features will be introduced to enhance desktop products, such as Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.