Spam fighters join for global action plan
Link: Spam fighters join for global action plan

A number of the world’s largest anti-spam organisations have come together to form an alliance to help fight spam across the world.
Set up by the OECD, the Stop Spam Alliance (SSA) is a coming together of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), the EU Contact Network for Spam enforcement Authorities (CNSA), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the London Action Plan for Spam Enforcement (LAP), and the Seoul-Melbourne MoU.
A key aim of the SSA is to gather information and resources on combating spam. It also aims to simplify communications and standards for stopping spam across continents.
Additionally, the organisation intends to provide help and advice for businesses seeking help on spam issues.
While it’s not going to stop spam overnight - if at all - the SSA can at least share intelligence with ISP’s to help filter spam from their networks.
Overall, the email spam problem is getting worse, and existing legislation in the UK and USA at least are at best, ineffective, at dealing with the spam issue.
Additionally, countries such as Russia and Eastern European countries have been havens for illegal internet activity, with huge botnetworks especially driven from them.
In the meantime, there’s little else ordinarily internet users can do, other than take reasonable precautions with the provision of their email address online, and keep those filters/anti-spam programs running.