Adsense keyword filtering - trial
by Brian Turner
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Caydel reports that Google is testing keyword filtering for Adsense publishers.
According to comments made by Joost de Valk, a beta version is already being trialed - in which publishers can filter ads based on the keywords triggering ads.
Although Adsense publishers would prefer to be able to select keywords to trigger ads, especially to focus on higher paying keywords, a negative filter could be a useful solution for many Adsense publishers.
For example, sites such as marketing blog Threadwatch, and technology forum Tech Watch, would traditionally trigger ads for Swiss watches and Rolex in Adsense - because the name in the homepage titles would trigger ads for “watches”.
While publishers could try to limit the appearance of such obviously off-topic advertising by modifying the keywords in their title and meta tags, a negative filter could be a simpler and less disruptive tool.
Overall, even if the trial is not rolled out to mainstream publishers, it shows just how far ahead Google is with their lucrative advertising program - one that as yet has no serious rivial.
Although Yahoo! does offer the YPN publishing network, this is only available to those in the US, blocking out a significant amount of internet traffic and publishers from taking part, including those in the UK.
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