Nokia to release key smart phone
Link: Nokia to release key smart phone

Correction: The following story originally reported that the N95 had been released.
However, it appears that it was simply a commercial that was released. The Nokia N95 is not due for release until at least next month. Our apologies for the error.
Nokia is to release the Nokia N95 smart phone within the next few weeks, which aims to bring mobile computing to a new level.
Not only does it sport a 5 mega-pixel camera, it also plays MP3 files, records DVD-quality video, comes fitted with GPS, as well as bluetooth compatibility with WLAN, EDGE, WCDMA and HSDPA networks.
Although a number of smart phones exist on the marketplace, the Nokia N95 represents a new step towards attempting to bring a wealth of features to a single mobile device - and move the internet a step closer to genuine mobile computing.
However, with the handset costing between £200 - £350, depending as to whether you subscribe to a £40-£20 a month network, it’s obviously aimed at the higher end of the market.
Still, what the Nokia N95 does demonstrate is that media-integration with mobile devices is moving fast, and suggests abilities that will be more common on mainstream mobile phones within the next couple of years.
This article is misleading - a commercial for the phone has been released but as I understand the phone is due to be released in late February or March. I would be pleased to be proved wrong but I’m sure we still have to wait!
Comment by Daniel Smith — January 4, 2007 @ 10:32 am
Thanks for the correction - looks like the US version has been released but the UK launch is “Q1 2007″, so I’ll get that amended.
Comment by Brian Turner — January 4, 2007 @ 11:13 am
Sorry, no US version released either. We won’t get this phone for a while. I’m planning on ordering from an overseas vendor as soon as it is released.
Comment by Tom — January 4, 2007 @ 12:06 pm
I contacted a couple of vendors who were advertising the phone as available, and while not immediately clear, it appears that these were for pre-orders.
Again, apologies for the confusion and thanks for the comments - the original story above has been corrected.
Comment by Brian Turner — January 4, 2007 @ 12:17 pm
I have spoken to O2 and they say it will with them on the 19th of March.
Comment by Killian — January 15, 2007 @ 2:23 pm