Internet advertising spend beats radio as broadband use increases
Link: Internet advertising spend beats radio as broadband use increases

Internet advertising has increased dramatically over 2004, and now takes a larger part of advertising spend than radio.
The report was made in the Guardian’s Broadband helps online advertising to overtake radio feature.
The Internet Advertising Bureau is reported to have stated that online advertising in Britain for 2004 was £653.3 million, with radio advertising revenues of £637.4 million.
Additionally, the Advertising Association is predicting an increase spend of over 30% on internet advertising for 2005 - making it the fastest growing advertising medium.
PricewaterhouseCoopers and the World Advertising Research Centre both list spending on press advertising as the largest single advertising market, accounting for 41.5% of advertising revenues, followed by television with 23.9% and direct mail with 14.6%.
A big reason for the push is squared up to broadband use, which shows a high level of internet penetration across commercial markets. According to the BBC, BT have now signed up more than 5 million broadband users, while NTL claims to be the biggest broadband ISP.