Google Phone speculation mounts
Link: Google Phone speculation mounts

Speculation is mounting that Google will release a so-called Google Phone.
It comes after a string of deals and acquisitions, that have empowered Google with all they would need to market their own mobile device.
Acquisitions include Reqwireless, a mobile applications company, and Skia, which specialised in vector graphics development for mobile devices.
In addition to this, Google have also apparently been in talks with Orange and Samsung, which could provide the hardware technology to run such a device.
Although it remains speculation, it would seem quite in character for Google to strike out with something cutting-edge that maintains a flavour of popularism.
However, it remains to be seen if the relevant deals can be closed.
If so, though, it would immediately put Google in a very strong position to capture the wireless market before Microsoft has even woken up to the fact that PC’s are going mobile.