Official: Apple iPhone launched
Link: Official: Apple iPhone launched

It’s official - the long-rumoured Apple iPhone will be launched this year.
And it’s not simply a phone, but a widescreen iPod, mobile phone and mobile internet device all in one.
Steve Jobs provided the first tour of the “internet multimedia device” at MacWorld Expo, hailing that Apple had “reinvented the phone”.
It has no buttons - everything is touchscreen.
It even appears that Cisco have allowed Apple rights to call the new device iPhone, even though Cisco owns the actual trademark on the name.
During a presentation lasting over an hour, Steve Jobs gave a thorough demonstration of the services associated with the phone.
The wireless internet is part is key to the iPhone, and uses a tabbed version of the Safari browser to surf the internet.
Additionally, Yahoo founder Jerry Yang, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt, were brought on stage by Steve Jobs to demonstrate how technologies from both companies have been integrated - not least Google Maps and Yahoo Mail.
The iPhone also provides a respectable 4-8GB of Flash memory for photos and video.
Cingular are also providing exclusive support for the iPhone, and use of it will probably require a subscription to AT&T.
The iPhone was announced to ship in US in June, in Europe in the fourth quarter and in Asia in 2008.
Overall information is currently sketchly as journalists frantically write down the detailed specifications and demonstrated services from the Steve Jobs presentation.
However, so far Gizmodo has presented some of the best overall coverage - with plenty of appetite-whetting images.
Of all the tech gadgets ever launched, the iPhone is not simply one of the most eagerly awaited - but quite possibly the most significant release for years.
UPDATE: The official iPhone page at Apple.
[…] Looks like the Steve Jobs presentation at MacWorld is winding up: but it’s now official - the iPhone is coming. […]
Pingback by Brian’s Business Blog » iPhone - I want one — January 9, 2007 @ 7:42 pm
When it comes to digitial dect and voip phones, I think the Apple iPhone is in a clear position to be a market leader. I hear RIM shares dropped after the announcement.
Comment by Cordless Phones — January 13, 2007 @ 6:40 pm
[…] A number of programs have begun appearing online that mimick the Apple iPhone’s iconic appearance, for use on other products. […]
Pingback by Platinax Small Business News » Apple attacks iPhone clones as Cisco may lose trademark — January 15, 2007 @ 10:12 am