Four seconds to sell online
Link: Four seconds to sell online

A study by Akamia and Jupiter Research found that slow loading websites were a major reason for shoppers to abandon them.
Although product and shipping prices were a key reason to shop - or not - at an ecommerce store, page loading speed was the second biggest factor.
The study interviewed 1056 internet shoppers over 2006.
They found that four seconds is the maximum length of time an average online shopper will wait for a web page to load, before abandoning an ecommerce store.
They also found that those who spent the most money online were the least patient, and more likely to abandon a website faster.
Other key factors influencing shopper decisions where:
- rapid checkout process
- simple navigation
Websites that performed well were most likely to be revisited.
Overall, page loading speed has always been highlighted as an important factor for online sales.
However, what this study additionally illustrated were the consequences to branding by poor loading, with poorly performing websites likely never to be revisited.