EC promotes technology for the elderly
Link: EC promotes technology for the elderly
Filed under: Technology News, General News

The European Commission has announced plans for a €1bn European research programme - the European Action Plan.
The programme aims to develop technology to improve the lives of older people and create more personalised health and social services.
The money will be invested between 2007 and 2013, by the EU, member states and the private sector.
The European Action Plan was launched to support the Ageing Well in the Information Society initiative, which is part of the i2010 programme.
The main goals of the action plan are to increase awareness, establish enabling conditions such as regulations, technology and skills, promote the widespread take-up of ICT, and to prepare for future challenges through joint research, innovation and dissemination.
According to the EU, only 10 per cent of older people currently use the internet. Modern technology is often difficult for the elderly to use, due to hearing and dexterity problems.
The action plan will try to raise awareness of the need for technology tailored for older people to use.
Over 25 per cent of Europe’s population is expected to be over the age of 65 by 2020.