iPhone: Cisco beats Apple to name
Link: iPhone: Cisco beats Apple to name

Cisco have formally announced the launch of the iPhone - and it’s not from Apple.
Linksys, a division of Cisco, launched two VoIP handset devices on Monday with the “i” prefix iconic to Apple products.
While Apple fans may accuse Linksys of trying to cause consumer confusion over the name, Cisco revealed it already holds the registered name of iPhone.
The name came with the purchase of Infogear in 2000, which already had an iPhone product on release.
It’s been long speculated that an Apple phone - dubbed “iPhone” - has been in the works.
However, both Apple and Apple fans are unlikely to be too phased by the move by LinkSys - after all, Apple have made no such announcement of such a phone product, let alone a name.
[…] The handsets will be called iPhones, a trademark owned by parent company Cisco Systems. […]
Pingback by VoIP News » Linskys Launches iPhone — December 20, 2006 @ 12:12 pm
[…] Cisco-owned company Linksys already owns the trademark on the iPhone, and has done since the purchase of Infogear in 2000. […]
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