Orange release SPV C550 for moile music
Link: Orange release SPV C550 for moile music
Filed under: Mobile News

To mark its entry into the mobile music sector, Orange is launching a new smartphone - the SPV C550.
The device runs Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, but Windows Mobile 5.0 is expected to be shortly available in a smartphone. It has already made its PDA debut in the O2 XDA Exec and Orange plans to launch a rival product, the SPV M5000, soon.
On the plus side, the C550 addresses a number of problems found in its predecessor, the C500. Some core specifications have been updated, helping to maintain Orange’s position as a leading UK Windows smart-phone provider.
The C550’s music functions are controlled by four buttons directly above the number pad marked back, pause/play, forward and a button identified with a musical note. The musical note button launches Orange’s Music Player, to download tunes from Orange’s online service. The setting can be changed so that this button launches Windows Media Player.
Above these four buttons are two softmenu keys, a back button and a Home key that takes you directly back to Orange’s Home screen.
Below the music button sits a number pad, which includes Start Call and End Call keys and a joystick for navigating.
On the left edge is a volume rocker, on the top infrared port and power button, and on the right edge a button for the built in camera. A new key, not found on the C500, is a key for Internet Explorer.
There are two connectors on the bottom edge - a mini USB slot to link to a PC for data synchronisation and a 2.5mm headphone jack.