Torpark browser released to protect privacy
Link: Torpark browser released to protect privacy

A new browser named Torpark has been released, which claims to offer greater privacy protections online.
Torpark is a modified version of the increasingly popular Mozilla Firefox browser, and connects to the internet via an extensive network of servers and routers set up by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
The browser was developed by Hacktivismo - an international coalition of hackers, human rights workers, lawyers and artists.
Platinax decided to run a test, and the results were certainly interesting - for a start, search engines were forced to deliver “natural” results instead of results tailored towards the country you were searching from.
However, Torpark proved to significantly reduce surfing speed, and definitely has an impact on the speed on which web pages load via the EFF servers.
Overall, though, if privacy is a concern then hopefully Torpark can deliver much better than the disappointing release of Browzar, which exchanged privacy for advertising.