Mobile Marketing
Link: Mobile Marketing
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November 30, 2004
Mobile MarketingLink: Mobile Marketing
If you thought marketing for mobiles was all about selling ringtones and dodgy premium callbacks, think again: mobiles are fast becoming the big "next thing" of opportunity, opening a massive new area of user interraction, challenges, and marketing, in a field of consumer interest that may perhaps become as specialised ...
Search Engine Marketing: going mainstreamLink: Search Engine Marketing: going mainstream
Nick Wilson at Threadwatch covers an almost alarming move - Search Engine Marketing going mainstream: Public Relations meets Search Marketing
After all, with the Search Engine Wars being so high-profile nowadays, SEO/SEM has experienced a meteoric rise in webmaster awareness.
However, as Alec makes a point of noting in his reply:
This ...
Microsoft to give dividendLink: Microsoft to give dividend
Apparently, Microsoft has been holding back on dividend payments to shareholders over the past few years. However, in a possible attempt to reinvigorate the company, after share price lows to below $30 a share this August, Microsoft will drop a $33 billion on their shareholders - resulting in a $3 ...
AOL browser releaseLink: AOL browser release
AOL has released a prototype browser for users, which is based on a mixture of different browser technology. Employing both the Mozilla Gecko engine, as well as the Internet Explorer engine, the browser apparently allows surfers to switch as they like between both.
Check out a preview image from the Cnet ...
Google desktop: security fearsLink: Google desktop: security fears
Speculation about the powers and risks of desktop search - especially from Google - are percolating around the internet. Bruce Schneier writes in Desktop Google Finds Holes that the Google Desktop software could be exploited to search a users cache for passwords and banking information.
This is something I've also ...
Internet TV & searchLink: Internet TV & search
Internet TV is a big topic at the moment - Microsoft hooked up with SBC to provide software for internet TV earlier this month - and then Yahoo! expanded their contract with SBC to provide internet TV itself.
According to the first article, Microsoft has blown around $20 billion ...
The international internetLink: The international internet
I'm currently outsourcing some development work to people I know in India - sometimes in e-mail it's easy to forget the time difference, though. For example, the other night I tried to arrange for some webdev work with a client site at 6pm GMT - which just happened to be ...
Banners deliver Ads+trojansLink: Banners deliver Ads+trojans
Earlier this week, the Register - a major hub of internet news and general interest - reported on how the a Buffer Overflow Frame (BOFRA) exploit led to its ad server serving trojans with its ads: Bofra exploit hits our ad serving supplier
Crucially, although Microsoft Windows machines are ...
Wiki News?Link: Wiki News?
Wiki strikes again - this time its Wiki News.
Apparently administrated by the same people behind the Wikipedia, the intention is that the wiki format will help remove bias from reporting - something that is claimed has happened on the the Wikipedia.
However, if there's a problem from bias in ...
Trends and statistics: market researchLink: Trends and statistics: market research
It's good to get a handle on the statistics of some of the major internet giants - so here's a quick list of them, which adds Ebay's newer pulse page stats:
EBay Pulse
Google Zeitgeist
Yahoo! buzz
Lycos 50
Sun sues little guy over “Java”Link: Sun sues little guy over “Java”
Sun Microsystems is normally seen as one of those tough little guys, trying valiantly to fend off global domination by corporate giant Microsoft.
However, in More on the legal proceedings of Sun vs. Ted Neward puts online correspondence between himself, and Sun's team of lawyers - who are claiming ...
Branding: also in AsiaLink: Branding: also in Asia
Nick Wreden has an interesting book review: Asia Branding: A Great Way to Fly
It discusses how Ian Bately walked from a failed restaurant business, to selling Singapore Airlines globally through strong brand marketing.
The review is very in-depth, and is well worth a read itself, so long as concepts such ...
Sponsor a trampLink: Sponsor a tramp
Seems as if there's nothing you can't sponsor these days. And the liberal Dutch have decided to mix philanthropy with advertising.
In a move that sounds so unreal you couldn't invent it, a bunch of Augustinian Nuns in Warmoesstraa, Holland, have set up a scheme whereby the homeless get a free ...
Heidi Klum replaces clownLink: Heidi Klum replaces clown
Record company greed continuesLink: Record company greed continues
EMI, Warner, Sony BMG and Universal, as well as a number of Australian record companies, have taken Kazaa to court again - this time in Australia.
Despite defeats in the USA (Grokster and Streamcast) and the Netherlands (Kazaa), the giants or music recording still insist on powering home one simple message ...
New online scamLink: New online scam
There's been a lot of information on phishing issues recently. However, it seems some people are moving back to good old-fashioned scam tactics.
In this instance, the victim is an online merchant, who is sent a cheque for a purchase far in excess of the value of the purchase itself. Arrangements ...
Playstation 3 Cell chipLink: Playstation 3 Cell chip
Sony, IBM and Toshiba, have been working together on the development as the "Cell consortium", on a microchip - referred to as the Cell - with specific design architecture for handling the detailed graphics demands of games, films, and broadband.
This is the same chip that Sony apparently intends to power ...
Asa Bailey on Viral MarketingLink: Asa Bailey on Viral Marketing
And in an interview with PRweek, Asa Bailey offers an insight into the motivations of viral marketing, after a recent stunt with a dead body, with a toe-tag stating: "If you understood the modern brand, you would know how to protect it.�h
From the interview:
I try to put a ...
Bob Bly on Direct MarketingLink: Bob Bly on Direct Marketing
Bob Bly shares some interesting insights into Direct Marketing, with what he claims as a strong top 10 of considerations in the mind of any successful direct marketer.
These include:
1. Direct marketers are only concerned with one thing – ROI (return on investment). That is, if you spend a dollar ...
Patents to internet protocols for sale?Link: Patents to internet protocols for sale?
In a report Patent Pending, Britten Manasco and Joe McKendrick suggest that the rights to some of the most basic internet protocols could be up for sale. This comes after the registrant software company, Commerce One, filed for bankruptcy, and some 39 patents it registered are included in its ...