September 28, 2007
Microsoft extends Windows XP for five-months
Link: Microsoft extends Windows XP for five-months
Filed under: Software News, Technology News, Microsoft News

Microsoft Corp has extended the sale of Windows XP to large computer manufacturers and retailers until the end of June 2008, five-months longer than its original deadline.
Windows XP will now be available from stores and on new PCs until ...
September 27, 2007
Government should help SMEs go green
Link: Government should help SMEs go green
Filed under: Technology News, Business News

According to research by ISP, Eclipse Internet, 82 per cent of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK would like more guidelines from the government on how to reduce their carbon footprints.
Eclipse Internet surveyed 250 SMEs across the ...
September 26, 2007
AOL founder launches Internet credit card
Link: AOL founder launches Internet credit card
Filed under: Finance News, Ecommerce News, Internet News, Business News

Steve Case, the co-founder of AOL, has joined with other industry leaders to launch an innovative online credit card company.
The company, Revolution Money, is a subsidiary of Case's investment company, Revolution LLC.
Revolution Money has launched two products, Revolution MoneyExchange ...
September 25, 2007
Microsoft offers Vista downgrade option
Link: Microsoft offers Vista downgrade option
Filed under: Software News, Technology News, Microsoft News

Microsoft has changed its licencing terms, making it easier for PC manufacturers to allow customers who purchase machines with Vista installed, to switch to the earlier Windows XP operating system if they wish to.
The offer only applies to Windows Vista Business ...
September 24, 2007
Google may test rival for ‘Second Life’
Link: Google may test rival for ‘Second Life’
Filed under: Software News, Google News, Technology News

Arizona State University has announced that students will test a new product by a major internet company, which will be launched later this year. The product includes 3D-modelling and video gaming features.
The university has an ongoing relationship with Google, and there are ...
Adobe announces Photoshop upgrades
Link: Adobe announces Photoshop upgrades
Filed under: Adobe News, Software News, Technology News

Adobe Systems Inc has announced two major upgrades to its digital photo and video software - Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 for Windows and Adobe Premiere Elements 4 for Windows.
Both applications now feature the Adobe Lightroom interface complete with charcoal grey colours. Customers ...
September 21, 2007
EU ranks UK e-services fifth in Europe
Link: EU ranks UK e-services fifth in Europe
Filed under: Internet News

According to a report by IT consultancy Capgemini on behalf of the European Commission, the UK government's online services have improved significantly since last year.
The services are now rated fifth best in Europe for sophistication and availability, compared with ...
September 20, 2007
Brandsauce revolutionises brand images
Link: Brandsauce revolutionises brand images
Filed under: Software News, Companies News, Business News

On-line 3D modelling firm, Brandsauce, has developed an innovative technique which creates high-quality brand images at a significantly lower cost than traditional product photography.
The online technique also gives a faster turnaround time than traditional methods, and allows the client much more control ...
September 19, 2007
Intel focuses on low power
Link: Intel focuses on low power
Filed under: Intel News, Technology News

Intel's CEO, Paul Otellini, kicked-off the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco with predictions of a low power future for the company.
Otellini promoted Intel's low-power chips for MIDs (Mobile Internet Devices), which will reduce the power consumption of its handheld ...
SAP joins Web-based business software market
Link: SAP joins Web-based business software market
Filed under: Software News, Technology News

SAP is unveiling its new line of Web-based business management programs, code-named A1S, at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco.
Web-based software, also known as on-demand software or software as a service, has traditionally been the focus of smaller companies such ...
September 18, 2007
Mozilla invests $3 in Thunderbird e-mail client
Link: Mozilla invests $3 in Thunderbird e-mail client
Filed under: Email News, Companies News, Open Source News, Internet News

Mozilla Corporation has spun off its Thunderbird e-mail client into a separate company and invested $3 million to get the business off the ground and expand its programming staff.
Mozilla has dubbed the new organisation MailCo for the time being. ...
September 13, 2007
Researchers develop new HDD read head design
Link: Researchers develop new HDD read head design
Filed under: Hardware News, Technology News

Researchers at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington are developing innovative sensors to quickly read huge amounts of data on a hard disk.
The new sensors are designed to cope with the increasing amount of data being stored on ...
September 12, 2007
Microsoft patents digital music watermarking technology
Link: Microsoft patents digital music watermarking technology
Filed under: Technology News, Microsoft News

Microsoft has patented a technology for digital rights management that is believed to be unbreakable.
The technology, known as 'stealthy audio watermarking', protects digital content even when it is distributed without DRM protection.
It inserts and detects watermarks in audio signals which ...
September 11, 2007
IBM develops nano-scale printing technique
Link: IBM develops nano-scale printing technique
Filed under: IBM News, Technology News

IBM and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, have developed a method of printing patterns with molecules.
The technique involves precisely arranging particles as small as 60 nanometers on a soft, rubbery template. (To give an idea of the ...
Firefox downloaded 400 million times
Link: Firefox downloaded 400 million times
Filed under: Firefox News, Internet News

Firefox, Mozilla's open-source Internet browser, passed the 400 million download mark on Friday, continuing its rapid growth in popularity.
Firefox was launched in 2004 and took one year to reach 100 million downloads. It achieved 200 million downloads a year later.
Firefox is ...
September 10, 2007
71% of UK companies discourage flexible working
Link: 71% of UK companies discourage flexible working
Filed under: Internet News, Business News

In a YouGov survey of UK workers for Orange Business Services, 71 percent of respondents said that their companies either do not offer flexible working practices, or discourage flexible working even if it is available.
Over a third of ...
Westminster eForum to discuss open source software
Link: Westminster eForum to discuss open source software
Filed under: Linux News, Open Source News, Technology News

Leaders from the open source community are meeting senior government officials at the Westminster eForum on 12 September, to discuss open source software and the economy.
Alan Cox, developer of the Linux kernel, and Mark Taylor, president of the Open ...
September 7, 2007
Intel beats AMD to release quad-core processors
Link: Intel beats AMD to release quad-core processors
Filed under: Intel News, Technology News

Intel has released its latest generation of quad-core processors, beating AMD which plans to release its Barcelona quad-core processors next week.
Intel's Xeon 7300 series can provide three times the performance per watt than the company's previous dual-core models.
With ...
Wi-fi is key technology for PC buyers
Link: Wi-fi is key technology for PC buyers
Filed under: Wireless News, Technology News, Business News

A new survey by Ipsos MORI identifies Wi-Fi as the most important technology to consumers when they are purchasing new PCs.
Wireless connectivity was found to be more important than enhanced processing power, portable connectivity and the internet.
Half ...
September 6, 2007
London hotspot for card fraud
Link: London hotspot for card fraud
Filed under: Internet News, Business News

Card not present (CNP) fraud has soared by 22% in the UK over the last year according to retail watchdog Early Warning.
According to Early Warning's research, the problem is worst in London, with postcode area SE18 having the highest level of ...
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