Health Protection Agency calls for Wi-Fi study
Link: Health Protection Agency calls for Wi-Fi study

Following news that the Department for Education and Skills is planning to equip more schools with Wi-Fi systems, Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, has called for the health effects of Wi-Fi on children to be investigated.
Although there is no evidence that Wi-Fi can have harmful effects when used as specified, some scientists have expressed concern that it could cause cancer and premature senility.
Mr Stewart believes that children could be particularly vulnerable to the possible adverse effects of Wi-Fi, as they have thinner skulls than adults and their nervous systems are still developing.
PAT, the Professional Association of Teachers, is also calling for an official inquiry into the health effects of the technology.
This concern is echoed in other European countries. The Austrian Medical Association is campaigning against Wi-Fi being deployed in schools and local authorities in Salzburg have advised schools not to install Wi-Fi and are considering a ban.