Google censors staff?
Link: Google censors staff?
In a move being widely interpretated as censorship of staff, a critical blog started by a new employee at Google has been removed.
As covered by The FULL Mark Jen Google Blog - The Blog Google tried to Gag, Mark Jen was - until recently - employed by Microsoft, working as a Software Development Engineer on the company’s Indigo search project. In his last post on his Microsoft blog - what happened to MarkJen? - dated January 18th, he announces he’s moving to Google.
Apparently, he then started up a new blog at Blogpsot using Google’s blogger service, where he made critical remarks about:
- Google’s infrastructure
- company disorganistion
- benefits packages
- fixation on worker productivity
The last post was made on January 25th, after which his blog suddenly disappeared.
However, Yahoo! retains a cache, and Bloglines also has a copy of his XML file for public viewing:
99zeros - Yahoo! cache
ninetyninezeros at Bloglines
While the events may be regarded as a slight embarrassment to Google, it remains refreshing to see Google employing a human face, when the company is otherwise very calculating in what it presents to public view.
EDIT: Mark Jen’s blog has returned, albeit with some apparent financial information removed: 99zeros