New iTunes offers Podcasting support
June 28, 2005
Apple’s new version of its iTunes program includes the ability to download podcasts – downloadable audio shows. The company aims to take podcasting into the mainstream by providing a directory of 3,000 shows.
The ITunes software allows users to submit their podcasts for inclusion in the directory, but Apple will monitor these due to editorial and copyright concerns.
Podcasts have grown quickly in popularity because they provide a simple method of downloading digital content and can be played anywhere at anytime. They have also become popular because anyone with a microphone, computer, software and a net connection, can produce one themselves.
The increasing popularity of podcasting is challenging the conventional model of radio broadcasting, with the result that many radio stations are now making their shows available as downloadable MP3 files.
Stan Ng, director of iPod worldwide marketing, said the new version of iTunes would take podcasting to the next level. “We really are embracing podcasting, making it easy for people to manage, listen and subscribe to podcasts,” he said.
Having podcasts as part of the iTunes music store opens up the possibility of selling them, but Mr Ng said “We haven’t announced any fee-based podcasts at this time”.
Apple has also introduced colour displays for the iPod and has lowered prices. A software update will be available for the click-wheel iPods and the iPod minis, providing a podcast menu, including bookmarking and the ability to show podcast artwork.
Additionally, the new iTunes software hints at support for mobile devices.