Google deletes GoogleBlog - by accident
by Brian Turner
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Google today admitted that an employee accidentally deleted the company’s official blog.
The Google Blog is an online journal that Google has primarily used as a public relations tool and method of communication with the public.
Although Google attempted to make light of the issue, it comes after a series of mistakes by Google employees.
These include private financial forecasts for the company being revealed online, and information on secret product developments being included in a presentation.
Google is famously secretive about individual projects and how it operates, but the current string of gaffes by some of the world’s smartest people is hardly going to be encouraging for investors.
UPDATE: vnunet provides more story on how a Texas student was then able to “grab” the address for the Google blog.
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[…] It’s not often Platinax News picks up a news story before the major online news outlets - but it was nice to see that Google’s accidental deletion of the Google Blog was covered on Platinax News before places such as SEW and Threadwatch. […]